China crisis

It will come as no surprise to people who know me that this is a first, a blog post. But as the season of goodwill comes upon us and in the spirit of trying to find out how new gadgets work, I am taking my technophobia in hand to tell you about a recent development.

In October I took part in a research trip to China. It was a shock, but some interesting spaces I saw there were The Arrow Factory in Beijing and 140sqmGallery in Shanghai.

While I was in Shanghai I met Chen Hangfeng who was already taking part in the 1Mile² programme that Collective is piloting with Visiting Arts for the next three years. He showed me a video he had made of the Village in China where 90% of all Christmas decorations are made and it brought two things together for me. I had been thinking about Collective’s window blinds being closed every year for two weeks over Christmas and Hogmanay and I had thought about possibilities for an artist addressing this. So Hangfeng is making Collective’s first Christmas window Dec 20th-Jan 4th: look out for it as you run down Cockburn street in search of the all important matching tights this festive season.

Kate, Collective Director

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